Monday, March 2, 2009

On how awful the world really is...

I love how things can be so bright and sparkly one second, and then the next life just sucks all around.

FANTASTIC day with Renata and my girlies (and gentleman, lol, Nadjib. Oh, and Teo! I didn't forget you, love. Oh, and I saw Brian and David, too... Ok. So... Girlies and... Guysies? Whatever. Now that I think about it, I have more guy friends there than girl friends, lol) at UM. I always have a blast. I don't know why. Like, as if it isn't bad enough I'm at FIU so much, now I'm at someone else's school, too? Whatever.

Mom doesn't have cancer. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

And Khaled Hosseini is a party pooper. A fantastic, orgasmic, kick ass writer. But damn. Way to bring a girl down, K! I mean, seriously. I'd forgotten how abysmal (yet fantabulous) "Kite Runner" was. But "A Thousand Splendid Sun" just has me down in the dumps.

Basically? The story's about two women getting beat up by their old fart of a husband, each having lost their one true love. One her father and the other her childhood sweetheart. Of course, it takes place in Afghanistan. For fuck sake, he might just as well have inserted a special chapter instructing the reader to "please proceed to slice wrists horizontally with a sharp object. Sterility not necessary."

What an awful, joyless life. Awful. Could I even survive? Would I want to? I probably only would if I had children.

Makes one want to tie one's tubes and never form any ties to anyone on this freaking earth. Why? What's the point?

*is going to cry in a corner*

And I have writer's block. Which makes me want to punch a wall in. Or step on baby lizards. Or chew raw tobacco. SOMETHING to express how very irked this makes me.

I'm going to go organize a giant group suicide. Hopefully I'll be cheerier in the morning.