Wednesday, September 30, 2009

On school, its stresses, the harvest, and polygamy...


Aqui estoy. Apparently I haven't written in forever and it made Deya cranky. (Look! Personal shout out!)

I'm watching Big Love right now, sipping a diet coke. I probably should be writing that durn paper. But I just don't want to. It's not due until Friday at midnight. And I've already got a draft. So no big, right? Righttttttttt.

I've been hooked on Farmville. Lame. I know. What's next? I mean, really. What, I'll make my dogs a facebook?

Ah... Pero wait.... lol.

But yeah. I've got raspberries, squashes, artichokes, cotton, rice, pumpkins, soybeans.... Got a few cows, some chickens, elephants, a goat and a sheep. Oh, and a horse. :) I'll get bored in a few days, lol. I feel the boredom already.

This Saturday's a service mixer for AOII and Alpha Phi Alpha (I think?), and I'm supposed to be in charge of food. But I don't know where to get this food from? Lol. Oh, silly little me.

And whilst near this subject (that is, Alpha Omicron Pi--aka, the best sorority evarrrrrr), has this cute little idea for themes for our new member meetings.

Which of course stress me out. Because it's me and nothing can be simple. And I like to be a perfectionist. I could just throw on a shirt with Mickey on it or something. But no. I actually have to get a costume, lol. Ay. Natali. So crazyyyyy.

I had coffee with my Panda Pal today. :) It was great. I love her. She's adorable. :) Pero you know, being awake at 9 am is way too damn early, lol.

I wish there were like these little villages you could live in for like a week or something and experience life in different periods of history--the Renaissance (actually, I don't care to go there. But it's an example), Regency England, Colonial America, Ancient Rome, etc. And I know there are some places like that. But I want more. And cheaper, lol.

I'd like to live in a polygamist compound for a week, as one of the sister-wives. Just to see what it's like. I think it's great in concept--like communism. However, human nature just doesn't work that way. Once put into practice, it collapses.

SO, here's my proposition. Revert back to old styles of living! We should have compounds of different families. A bunch of little houses arranged around a central square. Yes. And everyone has their own role within the family. Fantastic. Me gusta. Like a little pueblo.

Hmm. Almost 2 am. My strawberries should be ready.


Thanks for reading,

Sunday, September 6, 2009

On pathetic pets...

So, I have two dogs (as any of you who will read this will know), Papito & Clarice.

Papito doesn't play fetch. He doesn't really do much of anything, really. The only thing that excites him is food and walks.

Clarice plays fetch. Clarice never chills out. She likes food and walks, too--and jumping and running and sitting on my stomach and hogging the attention and being a brat and being obese and eating and being with me CONSTANTLY and etc.

So at first, one would think that Papito has absolutely no personality. Not true! And my friends always have their favorite (usually Papito), even though Clarice gets more attention (because she's an attention whore).

But moving on. I took them for a walk and decided to play fetch with Clarice. This would serve several purposes:
  1. One of the two things that gets Papo excited is a walk. (The other is wet dog food.) Otherwise, he's comatose.
  2. Clarice is obese. (Ha ha, if she were in school, the mean kids would call her "Obese Clarice!") She needs exercise.
  3. I get to live out one of those stupid "American" moments--playing fetch with my dogs in the park. (What's funny is that my dog is six or seven inches at the shoulder and looks nothing like a golden retriever.)
  4. It will tire Clarice out so she isn't so rambunctious and bugs me less.
  5. It would save me from homework for awhile.
Fiddle-dee-dee, right? ("Gone with the Wind" allusion.)

Hmm. They last five minutes outside before they were panting, refused to (in Clarice's case) play more fetch, and basically sat their rumps on the ground and my mom and I had to carry them back.

What's more?

Now, after the event, they're both super hyper. Fack.

First two weeks of school have flown by. I like this. Let's just keep up the pace now.

Recruitment week just ended! :-D I'm now a proud new member of AOII!!! Can't wait for all that's ahead.

Unfortunately, until then, I've got homework. >.<

...Right after I watch "Greek."


Thanks for reading!