Monday, December 14, 2009

On wanting to remove my throat...

Bah. Ever since I was little, I've always had throat things. I used to get strep throat constantly (it's been a few years since that, thank goodness) and the days I'd stay home from school would be due to throat discomfort. Oh, how close and I those long swabs were. How very well I knew how to read a strep throat test (which, funnily enough, quite reminds me of a pregnancy test).

And so, here I am. On the eve of my second day of my return to work and a little doped up on percocet, wishing I could lose feeling already. Or at least knock back out again. (And I kind of feel like I'm about to faint? I think. I don't know... It's an interesting feeling.)

Jingle Ball was the S-H-I-T!!!!!! SO awesome. Oh my gosh, lol. And what's completely ridic is how ecstatic Cris and I were. Jumping around, squealing, taking pictures... I swear we were having more fun than the front row (and CERTAINLY for a much cheaper price!!! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!). Then, of course--because no night would be complete otherwise--I went home and "discussed" with my mother (aka, argued) about my going out.

The night previously was also quite enjoyable. Thanks to Stephen for hosting, and to Mr. Vodka for supplying the fun. I spent the night at Cristy's (well, really, the morning, since we got there at 5), nursing my slight hangover. I checked off yet another thing of my "College Experiences" list.

Crap, my throat's on fire suddenly. -_-'

Allen and I are currently in a poke war--one that I WILL win, if only out of sheer obstinacy. So far, I'm totally winning. I poke back quicker. Yeah, I said it.

Work was eh today. I guess a job's a job. But I'm already bored and it's only day one. I plan on working through the semester, too. Thankfully, it's just twice a week. Probably like from 10-3:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Then I can drag my not-so-happy ass up to BBC campus for my classes. (Actually, it may work out better this way because I'll be, in fact, closer to the expressway. I work right off of the I-95 ramp on US-1. Hopefully I can just take the handy-dandy Express Lane!)

Ah, I rediscovered my road rage today. I was fine on the way to work--it was actually surprisingly smooth. Got there in like 25 minutes (record!). But on the way back? HA. I kept getting cut off (but Lexuses--Lexii?) and it was pissing me OFF. I was tailgating them the whole time. 'Cause hey, if you can cut me off and keep pace with me, fine. But to make me brake so that I can match your THIRTY MPH SPEED?!?!?! Oh, I almost cut a bitch. Oh, and then there was this stupid friggin' jeep that like... Idk, couldn't wait FIVE SECONDS for me to pass (there was no one behind me!) and I swear I almost rammed into them just to show them not to be such ASSES. Ugh. I swear. This raises my blood pressure...

The roses at the top are from Allen. He brought them to me on Sunday. :) They smell amazing.

Thanks for readingggggggg.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

On music...

Lately, a few songs have been catching my attention.

A few of them?
  • Then - Brad Paisley
  • Bad Romance - Lady GaGa
  • Ecstasy - ATB
  • Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood
  • I Want You To Want Me - Cheap Trick (this one comes back into my good graces frequently)
  • Need You Now - Lady Antebellum (who, I've recently discovered, are AWESOME)
I'll leave it there. But I'm a little obsessed. Because every time that one of those songs (amongst others) comes on the radio, I get a little cooky.

Elise is home, :-D. She's currently sleeping upstairs in my bed, lol. I took a nap earlier, and I've always stayed up later than her anyway.

Oh, also, a roach just made its way past me. And, because I'm ridiculous, I was completely unable to do anything except watch it, wishing the Killing-Roach Fairy would swoop down and do away with that one and all others.

Fuckin' roaches.

Finals week is over, yay!!! (And at this point, I feel it necessary to say: HA HA, MICHAEL! I'M DONE AND YOU'RE NOT, HA HA!!!) Here's hoping I did well. Sadly, I don't feel as relieved as I thought. Maybe because I have to go to work next week and I really don't want to. I wanted so badly to sleeeeeeeeeeeep over the break! Enjoy my time before getting my not-so-happy ass dragged to Peru. Bah. Whatevs.

Today I went with Mai and Cris to the Y100 studios in Miramar to pick up our Jingle Ball tickets!!!!!!!!!!! [insert that weird shrieking thing I've been doing for the past week. Strange, I'm way super excited about this. Here's hoping it doesn't suck.]

(I keep glancing around, hoping the mother fucking roach doesn't pop out at me from wherever. There's this little piece of dark paper on the floor and I keep losing track of it and thinking it's the roach. DIE, YOU CREEPY LITTLE FUCKER!!! DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!)

Oh, I got Kelly Clarkson's latest album and I think I like it! Ay, si, I've been bored of the music on my iPod... Speaking of, gotta buy another charger... Since the one we bought online doesn't seem to want to charge my iPod. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

My plans for this weekend shall be fun. It began tonight, with seeing my best friend who sucks and goes to FSU. That was nice. Again, I'm happy about my new music. Tomorrow, I'm having lunch with Natalie Diaz, whom I loveeeeeee. Then, at night: LET'S GET CRUNKKKKK!


Lol. Saturday's Jingle Ball. Which is gonna be so fantastic! And then, Idk, I might go home after. I might need to sleep. I want to sleep for like 12 hours.

And Sunday, Allen and I shall hunt down some place to watch Dexter. :-D

Ok. Enough rambling. I really only wrote something to write something because I've been neglecting my poor blog as of late.

Thanks for reading, Michael. Since you're, like, the only one who does, lol.