Sunday, July 18, 2010

On cinnamon rolls & love & laughter & INCEPTION...

Mmmk. One, hola. Been awhile, lol.

Two, thanks to Renata for reminding me this existed. Ergo, I dedicate this post to you, lol.

Three... Okay, there isn't one.

Summer 2010 is turning out to be just like every other summer. That is, better than the one before it. Working forty hours a week ain't so bad once the paycheck comes in. I daresay that my body's even used to waking up at seven thirty. What?! I know. Crazyyyyy. And there's something to be said for going into work with just four or so hours of sleep; sometimes, it's just worth it.

I saw "Inception" Friday night with Allen and Jose. To quote someone else: "Dear Christopher Nolan, Please use lube the next time you mindfuck me." I think this might be the only apt way to describe what happened, lol. It was such a great movie. Mindblowing. But great. I'd gladly see it again.

Saturday made me realize how long my hair was getting. Strangely enough, ironing it seems to be taking less time.

Aaaaaaaaand, the highlight of my weekend was, of course, going away to Naples with Allen. It was just a quick getaway (Grrr, Dr. Rao. I say, GRRR!), but it was pure paradise (note: not to be confused with the Paradise in Broward). I won't say anymore, because there's nothing to say--except that the cinnamon rolls turned out delish.

And we saw Beerfest, which (to be honest), is just too fucking hilarious.

I'm super loooking forward to next weekend and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I'm going to come back exhausted and super broke (which makes me a little sad, because I actually have money for once, lol), but it's all worth it. I can't wait to go! I have to go some time this week and buy my annual pass.

I also need to see an advisor... Ah. I need to do that... Damn it. -_-

Did I mention my car won't start? Yeah... Bah. So I have to miss work tomorrow. Which is a total bummer.

Ditto with my laptop.

No, I don't know why my devices are failling on me.

My new eating habits have been going swell (with the exception of this weekend, lol). I love fruits and vegetables. Fast food, quite frankly, can go to hell. You know you went to Wendy's too much when after showing your face there after not going for two months, the lady tells you that you've lost weight. Wtf? You know who I am? 0_O

In further news, finally bought my mom a universal laptop charger. And I'm sitting at home with my puppies (well, Clarice is eating 'cause she's fat and just turned two), about to go to bed, and loving life.

And looking forward to Trueblood sometime in the morning. Oh. And seeing Teo in the evening at "Dolores, But You Can Call Me Lolita." Idk. This week has lots of good stuff waiting for me--Tori, Natalie, Teo... I'm sure to see others as well.

Hmmm. And seeing the present my Big brought me from UIFI! XD

Thanks for reading,

PS: The blister I got from my super hot heels last Saturday is being a total pest and itching a lot. Bahhhhh.

PPS: Weeds needs to start again! Ditto with Dexter!

PPPS: How much does a car battery cost anyway!? Why don't I have jumper cables in my car?! WHOSE IDEA WAS IT TO MAKE CARS SO LAMEEEEEEE. Perhaps I will, after all, take up my mom's offer to buy me a new car....

PPPPS: Just ate a cinnamon roll. Yum.

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