Tuesday, January 1, 2013

On living with people...

Now playing: "Guilty Pleasure" by Cobra Starship

It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to get used to living with new people. And I, for one, am a difficult person.

Take, for example, my fascination with coasters (thanks, Mom).

Or the fact that if I'm uncomfortable, I become a raging bitch. (It's true. The sad thing? I REALIZE I lose my head, and yet I can't seem to control it if I'm hungry/tired/cold/hot...)

I think this is something they should teach you in college. No one actually tells you some very important, very basic life lessons. For example? Just to name a few...
  1. Choose your battles. You can't have your way every time (though wouldn't that be great...?).
  2. If you want it done so fucking badly, do it yourself. Y ya. Stop your whining. 
  3. It's really hard to keep an apartment clean. What the heck?
  4. There's no such thing as "extra" money. Never. You will always be in debt. Get used to it. 
  5. A sure-fire way of feeling impotent and powerless is to be a woman in this world. I feel like no one really listens or takes me seriously. (Okay, not NO ONE. Melodrama, party of one.) Or the fact that I'm physically incapable of doing so much. I can't lift heavy things. The fact that pretty much 90% of the population could attack me and have their way with me. 
  6. It's wise to master getting plastered and going to work/school the next with/without a hangover. A true skill. 
  7. Optimism becomes increasingly harder the older you get. I kind of have this negative prognosis for my life... Which is utterly ridiculous. Because really. I feel like it just gets better.
Before moving away from home, I really never cooked. Baked a little (out of a box). Made some fried rice, pasta... Nothing difficult. Since moving up here, I've really let my little inner chef out of her kitchen cupboard. One, it's cheaper to eat in. Two, I had a lot of time initially and nothing better to do. Three, I get bored of the same food REAL quick. Four, it's one of my attempts to eat healthier.  So, whenever I make something tasty, it kind of impresses me. Even though any idiot could do it...

I wish Allen would show more enthusiasm about good food. Like, he's just a simpler kind of person. I know this. But it's just one of those things that's so basic and stupid but would make a huge difference. Like the stupid flowers I had to beg for for like two months... (Okay, maybe more like a month. I really almost bought myself the damn flowers.)

I wish I had more time and didn't hate exercise. I feel like a hobby like running would feel really good. But then I'd have to wash my hair more often...

Hmm. Anyway. Happy NYE. To the like three people that read this...

Back to my HW.

1 comment:

  1. I wish your little chef would have crawled out of her cupboard over the summer X(.
