Sunday, July 19, 2009

On breaking my hand, and not remembering how...

I got home about twenty minutes ago.

I walked in through the door with a smile on my face. Why? Was I drunk? Nope, not anymore. It'd worn off about an hour before.

[In the middle of my sentence, I realized I had ants floating around in my cup... After disposing of them, I continue.]

Was I high? Nope, haven't smoked a damn thing in awhile. Au naturale par moi.

...Am I happy?

Beyond. I've had an amazing night with some amazing people (though missing a couple VERY important ones! Elise & Stephen, for example) & I've got a slightly amazing headache... Lol. But mostly, it's just a dull ache now. The Ibuprofen will soon set in and take care of that for me.

I remember getting to Mai's with three passengers (two of whom will remain anonymous) and some ice and cookies and Chef Boy Ardee. Then Michael showed up with that limoncello shit--which, btw, goes down oh so smooth...

Next thing I know, we're floating around the pool, half-tipsy (or, in Cristy's case, full-on drunk) and having a good time.

Somewhere between my last beer and a giant gulp of the Smirnoff Tuscan Lemon (for which I had to fight a certain person who shall not be named due to the nature of his or her situation), I got a little fuzzy. And really, really hurt my hand. Only Allen & Cristy seemed to care, but it was nice of them. :) Don't really remember what happened, though... Wish I could...

Oh! And Susie!!! She brought me cookies! And they tasted so good, it was so sweet of her! I still have some left, and I sure will enjoy those!!

I just... Love my friends. Not a single thing went wrong tonight (though I know perhaps some people would disagree due to the arrival of certain personas, but we shall continue on!) and it was PERFECT to end the night by blasting "A Puro Dolor" by Son by Four.

I just... Idk. I love the world right now. And, as I told Mai (after being accused of being "sassy!"): "I felt good tonight. So, I let the world know it."

So... to those who were those (and a few who weren't), I love you. I had a WONDERFUL time. And I hope the birthday girls did, too.

[I now vaguely remember singing happy birthday to the birthday girls... And the ice cream cake melting... And floating around the pool on my own, lol. It'll come back slowly...]

I love you all.

Thanks for reading.

PS: My hair looks crazy. It was earned. For that reason, I post up a picture. This is after a bout in the pool, lolling around half-asleep, and driving with the windows down. This hair, to me, symbolizes: friendship.


  1. You hurt your hand? I really have no recollection of that at all! And, yeah, last night kicked ass!

  2. your hair is the sex :)

    -the younger bday girl

  3. michael: jes. why jes!

    cris: lmfao, ty. that quote has made my day. "your hair is the sex."
