I actually wouldn't complain at ALL if I could only finish clotting and remove that damn piece of gauze from either side of my mouth. It's irritating me. But as of yet, I show no signs of clotting in the near-future. And yes, it's slowed down. But... *sigh*
[And poor Cris got such a rude sight when we arrived back from the dentist's office... Sorry, Cris. But it was a pretty funny reaction, lol.]
My mom's watching some movie with Goldie Hawn in it (my "info" tells me that it's "Best Friends") and I really have never found her attractive. I actually think she's really cheap and trashy.
There's this man at my office who comes in about 3 x's a week for physical therapy (I can't, of course, say his name due to HIPAA. But he's really cute) who's an absolute sweetheart and always a joy to see. And he always wears this abuelo cologne and it's just so damn cute.... I kinda wanna stick him in my pocket so he can come home with me and play dominoes with the other viejos on the block.
Also, I'm getting sort of tired of hearing about MJ. I mean, I totally get that he was a great icon and an amazing artist... Totally. But really? Is this going to be Princess Di part 2? Are they EVER gonna shut up??
CLOT, DAMN IT!!!!!! CLOT!!!!!!!!!!
I believe that Cristy, Joey, Susie, Deya, & Mai are coming over tonight to:
- Mock me.
- Bring me gauze for the wound THAT WILL NOT CLOT!!!!
- Bring me ice cream.
- Entertain me since I am, of course, a horrible patient and dying of boredom. Even though I usually like spending a day at home doing nothing.
There's a very interesting scene going on outside my house right now. The sun's set and there's an odd yellow-ish color (which I'm going to assume is a result of the clouds, rain, and in-limbo time between sunset and dark). It's a really pretty color though. Soothing.
I'm on the phone with my grandparents now. I love them. They're so sweet--even if 97% of the time they drive me up a FUCKING WALL! They cleaned the house, made me pure de platano, and chicken soup. I love them today.
So. Mai's here and the rest are on their way.
Yeah, I'm kind of getting tired of hearing about MJ. I hope that it has clotted by now! I'll call you some time soon! (Hopefully, I'll remember....)