Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On she who bothers me beyond belief and my obsession with English

Ok. It's been awhile. So let's just jump right into this. First things first:

"You bug me, you push my buttons, you piss me off but boo, you're the best friend a girl could ask for :)"

Three guesses as to who texted that to me night before last. Yes, you've guessed it. Cristy. I love you, too. And yes, I loved your text so much, I actually blogged it. Feel special. Well, you would, if you would freaking read my blog. LIKE THE WAY YOU NEED TO FREAKING READ MY BOOK!

Mmmk. My favorite class this semester is Approaches to Literature with Mr. Peter Hargitai. I love it. We never do what we're supposed to do lol. About as close as we actually get to working is the journal we're supposed to write in everyday till the end of the semester. And, in a very twisted way, I actually enjoy this. This is what I wrote for today:

I am an English major. I love English. I love writing it, speaking it, reading it, proofreading it (yes, I'm that twisted).

But as much as I love English--and I think we can agree that I truly love it--I have some problems with it. (You're about to get some ugly insight into just how nuts I am. You've been forewarned.)

  1. "Preached" should be "praught." If "taught" isn't "teached," then the past tense of the verb preach should follow as such. I stand by this.
  2. I don't like the word "nervousness." I feel it should be "nervosity." In my opinion, "nervousness" is just a lame, awkward word. Wtf, Webster?
  3. I hate that it's grammatically incorrect to begin a sentence with a conjunction (for those who don't know: and, but, or, etc). In fact, I completely disregard this rule. I encourage you to do the same.
  4. I hate that the language itself is so damn unoriginal. We've taken words from just about everyone else except ourselves. Our words have French roots, Latin roots, Greek roots, etc. Bro. Stfu. Get your own damn roots! Useless, unimaginative people! (The inventors of English, that is.)
  5. The fact it's spoken internationally. How damn, what if I want to speak badly about someone in Italy or Spain or Croatia?! I can't! Because they speak English! And Spanish! And French! GAH! Damned, over-achieving Europeans!!!!
And that, dears, is the end of my rant.

Finally, my phone. The LG Vu. I love it. Love.

Thanks for reading.

And, just fyi, I'm freezing my ass off.

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