Friday, January 2, 2009

On why sometimes the simple things in life rock

So. I had an absolute blast with a certain tall chiquita (lol) today. Sort of the thing that makes you realize, "Damn, we need to hang more."

After the events of this afternoon, I'm now in possession of a certain friend's cardigan which I shall be holding hostage until the exchange of a certain purse that she took to my house today. Payment to be received in full, Amanda. ;)

More simple things to love? Reading. Ok, maybe not so simple. It's actually a sort of complicated process that I truly take for granted sometimes. And paper. And ink. I wonder, if I didn't have books, would I be a story teller?? Probably not. What would I do? What would I obsess over? Sometimes I think that the only real thing about me that stands out is my absolute obsession with the written word (and proper grammar. In a somewhat related story, I read a certain conversation today that a certain friend had with a certain guy and found myself giving non-existant points to this fellow based solely on the fact that his words were fluid and graceful and... Well, hot.).

Even more simple? Breathing. I like breathing. I've never been tired or bored of breathing. I don't think I ever shall be. Well, eventually, I guess I will. Hmm. My death. What a somber thing to think about....




I hope I die in an exciting, though preferably not tortured, way. Like, I do NOT want to die by way of a sting ray. [I still mourn Steve Irwin's death, pathetic as it was. God has a true sense of humor.]

Like, I don't know. I guess it'd be pretty exciting to like slip off the roof of a building or something. That's quick. Different. Would that be traumatic for my family?

Eh. Death. I changed my mind, don't want to talk about it.

And so, to end on a lighter note, I was at Dolphin and International today with Renate and we saw Orthodox Jews getting pulled in by one of those vendors in the carts in the middle of the hallways. That may have been the funniest part of today. Perhaps "strangest" is a better word.

Oh. I found today that I need to stop being so angry and bitter. It will make me an old woman much faster than I need to be. I need to learn to forgive a little better, too. And to perhaps not make faces when my parents call me. I know they love me. I just wish they'd lose my number for a little while.

Hopefully I'll find something more substantial to blog about next time? Eh, doesn't matter. No one reads this anyway, lol.