Tuesday, December 30, 2008

On midnight cravings and why space will fuck you up

I met my first astronaut on Friday. It was a bizarre experience. I won't mention his name--it may come and bite me in the ass later on--but just rest assured that he's psycho. The man seemed to think that the area around Kennedy Space Center was GORGEOUS. I felt like standing up and yelling at him "IT'S ALL THE SAME SHADE OF GREEN!!! WHERE'S THE WATER?! WHERE ARE THE FLOWERS?! IT ISN'T PRETTY!!" [I feel similarly whenever people think the West is pretty. I've never been so unimpressed by landscaping in my life.]

He also is very fond of palms. He grows them, for commercial sale. And "his" favorite palm is the flame-thrower palm. Which is pretty much just a regular palm tree with a random red frond. it's bizarre. And really not all that gorgeous. But, ok, if you say so Mr. Astronaut, sir. Make sure you change your diaper before you land back on earth.

This weekend, I also learned that I am overly fond of books. In ten minutes at Books-A-Million I bought six books. Without intending to do so. And I only looked at a single shelf. I have a problem. *hangs head in shame*

Tonight was fun. Even if a bit... Well. Early, lol, mostly. Yes, very early. I'm sad I missed Stephen's party :( But I have my favorite line for the week, and it's thanks to Virginia:
Me: As long as he's packing a stretch limousine!
Mashka: *laughs and says something about how awful I am*
Virginia: Mashka, I don't know why you're laughing, you're a gold digger, too!
Me: Virginia... I wasn't talking about a real limousine.
Virginia: Oh.

Priceless, lol.

Incredibly enough, I popped a couple cherries this week. Last night, I went to Sonic for the first time ever with Allen. Toooooooooooo bad the system was down and we had to wait like two hours for our meal and ended up driving to another one. However, I now found something that totally kicks Starbucks' ass.

My other cherry was my Whole Foods Market cherry. And, like, wow, that was a pleasure to pop. I can't wait to go back. Wtf. That isn't a supermarket--IT'S A DISNEY ATTRACTION FOR YOUR FOOD!

In summation, I love Virginia. She's awesome. I can eat total crap with her. We've had many firsts (my favorite, I think, being our first dance party. I still remember what I wore. It was SO lame. Idk what I was thinking. But I quickly learned that tight was the way to go, lol). I love you, I do.

In happier news: It's New Years Eve later today. My goal: to be completely unable to crawl out of bed tomorrow, lol. L'Chayim!!!!!!! <3

But that's all for now.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. yeah Sonic's java chillers kick Starbuck's ass handily. And dammit who knew there was another one so close?
