Monday, December 15, 2008

So, I'm having a "Hatchet" moment...

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I read a book called "Hatchet" for my 8th grade English class (*automatically recites: "A random act of kindness brings beauty to the world."). I remember, I had put off reading the damn thing all summer until my birthday. Yes, that's how I spent my birthday that year. But anyway, "Hatchet" was one of the few books that we ever read that was more geared towards the mind of a young man than that of a young woman. Not that I think the few guys in our class enjoyed it any more than I did, mind you.

So, long story short, I read this awful book about this guy's little plane going down in the middle of BFE and whatever and surviving by himself with just a hatchet. Dumb. I know. [It was because of this book, and others like it, that I think all Newberry Award winning books suck harder than an 8th street prostitute.]

In one part of the book, he wonders if he's going crazy. Then comes to the conclusion that he is not because people who are going crazy don't know they are.

Besides the obvious fallacies in his statement, it was a pretty interesting idea to me, at a tender 14.

At times I wonder if I'm going crazy. (I kid. Sort of. I know I'm not. Not any more than any other writer--we're all super schizo.) But I think I just enjoy the idea of being crazy. Let me explain.

I wrote a skit at the start of senior year for Safreed's class about Nurse Mercy, who would go around euthanizing people. I played the schizophrenic (for a number of reasons. Mostly, I didn't trust anyone else to play the part correctly. I find that I have trust issues when it comes to group projects. The Honors College furthered my distrust, lol). It's a little bit eerie just how easy it was for me to do this. Mind you, I've had some practice--goodness knows just what my brother has. All I was really doing was imitating some of his movements. Lol. (Yes, I find that somewhat amusing.)

Skip forward a year and a half, and we're here, today, watching "Hannibal" (because Allen keeps badgering me about the sad amounts of movies I've seen--or at least in his opinion. His list is lacking a few very important ones). Hannibal the Cannibal is one of my favorite villains (probably because of Anthony Hopkins. I really do adore that old man. He's looking like shit lately, though). As far as villains go, he's a sweetheart. A gentleman, very intelligent, always well-dressed. There's just that whole cannibalism thing....

Which brings me to the point of this pointless post: I very, very much want to act a crazy/evil person in a movie. Very badly. They're always the most fun to play.


  1. Lmao, "[It was because of this book, and others like it, that I think all Newberry Award winning books suck harder than an 8th street prostitute.]"

  2. you ARE crazy. and dammit michael, i was gonna quote that line. and you're in fiu honors? humph. learn something new everyday.

  3. yeah. but i'm quitting. it sucks lol.

  4. i never said that was a complete list of movies you should watch. just a list of what i own as of like half way through last year.
