Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On how I've realized my taste in music has changed...

Yeah. I've gotta go through my files and delete a whole BUNCH of crap. Por que enough's enough. Like... Seriously? What the hell do I have JS on my iPod for? I never realized all the crap I have on my iPod. Y eso que I made a major sweep of it when I lost my music the second time around (for example: I no longer have that stupid R. Kelly song "Step In the Name of Love." Seriously, dude? Stfu. But I do still have the Ignition Remix. And love it. And yes, STILL know all the words, lol. And the dance moves Ginz and I made up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when. And "Snake." That was some good ish. I heard "Country Grammar" on my drive home the other day and yeah. I had a total blast). But I've gotta go back through. And suddenly, what, I like Coldplay? I can even stand some House-y, techno stuff (my father will be so proud)?

[I still hate it when those stupid songs last for 8 minutes and have the SAME freaking beat for hours and hours and hours... They're only good when you're rolling or something. Which I never am. So shut up.]

I think it really occurred to me that my tastes have changed (even in just the past year) when one of those Paul Oakenfold mixes came on my shuffle this morning (as I was fighting traffic on US 1 and around 19th ave). For once, didn't change it. And... liked it? Eerie. I know.

[Compare this to my hip-hop/rap years and... well. It's a change. And funny, I think all current hip-hop/rap SUCKS.]

Work. Yeah, started work already. Loving it? (As much as you can love such a job, lol.) I haven't messed up or anything yet, so things are going well (though I TOTALLY ate it off a chair today, right in front of my two bosses [yeah, ok, so my bosses are my cousin Lania and Carlos, who wears Converse to work and is super chill and laid back. And really, actually, just Lania is my boss. It's just horrible. I'm such a clutz. Oh well. Love me for me, or deal? People seem to be my friends anyway, so I guess it's okay]. It was so not very graceful). Now, if only it weren't so DAMN FAR. Ugh. The ONLY thing I like about the distance is that I get two hours a day (well, the days I work) to listen to music. It really chills me out.

Leaving for San Fran Friday. Blah. And early too, more's the pity. The mornig and I don't mix.

I had a very fun little field trip with Elise today. Which involved visiting that French bakery by my house I wanted to visit for the past six months and the newly opened pool (no, I don't know what they did to change it). Amongst other things... Lol. "Waitress" included.



Life is good.


I'm gonna be super sad when the summer's over, though not too. I'm excited for fall. And... dare I say it... Missing FIU? A tad, yeah. I drove past Friday and it broke my heart a wee little bit.

Though I'll probably get more sleep during fall semester, since I REFUSE to have morning classes.

I miss sleep...

Speaking of....


  1. How can you hate all current hip-hop/rap music!? They're not ALL that bad mija, come on. I love how you "ate it" at work in front of your cousin and Carlos of all people. By the new pool, I think you mean Venetian, right? I'm assuming so 'cause you go through the gables. Oh, and be happy that you're going to San Francisco! I'd love to go there! Finally, boo to you and your late schedule in the Fall. I have early ass clases :(...

  2. it all sucks.

    no, you fail. i meant MY pool.
