Saturday, May 30, 2009

On my traitorous little heart (actually, not really)

Hello. What? A post the day after another? CRAZY! I know. But I'm trying to write down some things I've done in San Francisco (since I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't really like to talk about her trips after she's done with them). Not to worry though, I never actually finish documenting a trip. I have a "travel journal" that I write in for like four days and never finish. It's hilarious, really. And a shame, because I'm sure I'll read them one day and love it and relive those lovely trips all over again.

So. Woke up too early today. 7 something. Because my mother almost keeled over in the shower. (Moral of the story: Don't have 14 take offs and landings in a 2 week span or your internal ear equilibrium or whatever will be seriously messed up.)

Made some croissants in the room (yes, we lugged our little oven all the way here. It's just really damn convenient! And I think wasting money on breakfast is ridiculous. Especially when all you really need is a little toast and cream cheese). Got dressed eventually. Headed out (at about 9:30-ish? I ate shit on the computer for a long time lol).

Btw, totally cold in San Francisco. TOTALLY. Wore a jacket all day. And my cheeks are wind-burned, the way they always are in the cold. Very uncomfortable feeling. I don't know how it's possible my skin is so damn sensitive.

Walked MILES (ok, a few blocks. About fifteen? I don't know. And too lazy to figure it out) to Fisherman's Wharf for the farmer's market. Which was really, really cute. And Cali fruit is so beautiful! And tastes good! And I had lavender salt (yum) and smelled fresh lavender (more yum--favorite smell ever) and had a delicious Burmese no-se-que curry sausage with absolutely divine mango cilantri chutney ($5.50). Then my mom went crazy (we'll blame it on the steroids) and I got cranky and we went back to the hotel to drop stuff off. Btw, super weirdos in SF. And lots of homeless people. And people running. And dogs. Everywhere. Like, people walking their dogs. Everywhere. On the bus. In buildings. In restaurants... Freaks. All of them. Again, to reiterate: FREAKS in SF and beautiful produce.

[Got super irritated within five minutes of our walk, too, because it was misting. So, not enough to take out the umbrella, and I'd look weird if I did. Damn.]

Then we walked (more. I know. Wtf.) to Beach & ... &... Damn, forgot the name of the street. Powell? No, that's before. Hyde? Maybe? Whatever. Waited in line for the motherfucking street car for AN HOUR AND A HALF in the freaking cold while some guy played the guitar (super badly, what's even worse) and begged for money. I wanted to throw a rock at him. He really sucked. Seriously. I've seen fifth graders play better. But moving on. The wait was totally worth it. Went up and down several hills (puts Tally into some perspective, lol) and freaked out a bit on the steep downhill slope. Idk. I just... Wasn't into that angle much. The fact that other streetcars were passing within five inches (not kidding) didn't help much. Ended up at Union Square (the shopping district) that has A HUGE FOREVER XXI I DIDN'T GO INTO!!!! But it was cold. And we were getting hungry. So. Hopped onto the F train--in the wrong direction. Got to the end, then had to go back in the way we came, lol. I sat to some guy who was talking to himself. People smell funny in SF. Eventually made it back to the hotel area (Mason & North Point, right off Fisherman's Wharf) and went in search of food (5:30 pm by now. Yes, we eat abnormally early on vacation. I know it's weird).

Now, I wanted to eat at this pizza place called the Pizza Zone or whatever (we're traveling cheap, fyi). My mom took one step in there and got "disgusted" and demanded we walk another three blocks to this Mexican place (my feet hurt by now and I just wanted to eat and get to the hotel). The Pizza Zone looked great--it was full of locals, it was relatively cheap, it was run by Chinos. It's very Jerry & Joe's-like. But a little bit more scattered, lol. So onward we trek to the Las Margaritas. Not only is the place completely EMPTY (y eso que it's near the tourist strip), the cheapest entree's $14. So we go back to the Pizza Zone. And GUESS WHAT? Delicious. Not like Jerry & Joe's, of course. But still super good. And cheap! ($9.80)

Went to Safeway again to buy my mom coffee and to get more Diet Coke (addicted. I know). Oh, I tried this Hibiscus tea today that was really yummy.

On our way into Safeway, we pass by this guy who's super happy and waving to Idk who across the street and I take a breath and... Wtf? Pot? So I go to my mom, "That smells like pot." "Yep, it sure does," she replies. I know pot when I smell it. On the street! Just smoking a joint! It was super funny. No wonder he's in such a good mood?

Back to the hotel we went. And now I'm here, in bed, with a blister on my big toe.

And I believe that's all.

Thanks for reading. :)


  1. That's awesome that you sat next to ag uy that was talking to himself on the cable car. I would've been laughing (on the inside of course 'cause I normally don't like getting stabbed). Hibiscus tea? I've never heard of it. Wow, you really ARE addicted to Diet Coke amor. It's ok though, I'm addicted to coffee. And damn, I'd be in a good mood too if I were smoking pot all wily nily out on the streets. I hoep you blister heals quickly!

  2. did you proofread this before submitting it? i think NOT. MULTIPLE fails.

  3. Hehe, sounds like a normal day in San Fran.

    I have to tell you about this guy I met on the bus coming home from work one day. WEIRD! Kept yelling to the bus, "I'm a HAPPY MAN!" and then tried to pick up every girl on the bus (and failed miserably). Lol.

    Did you know Safeway delivers? It's awesome. My sister-in-law back home is so jealous.

  4. publix used to deliver. idk if maybe they still do?
    safeway's pretty cute though lol.

    yeah. like i said... weirdos.... lol. and wtf is up with everyone RUNNING and walking their DOGS?!

  5. Yeah, people are obsessed with health around here. Obviously not a bad thing, but it is kind of annoying when the lane next to you has nothing but bikers and you're just trying to get around them so you don't accidentally hit them or something.

    Blame the weather. No snow means lot of people running and biking (except during the two-month rainy season, which happens to be my favorite).
