Saturday, May 9, 2009

On why I'm so glad I'm at FIU

This past week was the last week that the seniors of 2009 had at FCS.

I was looking through the pictures of the people who I still have as friends (I went through back in like October and just weeded people out after I heard people were talking shit about me. Life is just easier that way). And all I see are sad faces and "omg i'm gonna miss this place" and "i'm so sad!" and I just feel like slapping them all upside the head, laughing bitterly in the face, and saying, "No, you really won't. You won't even ever look back. By the way? FCS doesn't teach their students how to really study for a class, and their science department is as weak as your mother's fat ankles, SO if I were you, I'd watch myself that first semester."

I don't, of course. No reason to be a bitch so unnecessarily, especially since I haven't spoken to these people in months. A year. I just sit there and watch. And I know that for some, FCS will shut its doors to them and reject them, and it's okay. The world's sort of better without them anyway. And I love that I can honestly say that I'm happier now and freer and more okay with myself than I've ever been before. Less close-minded. Less hateful. More... thirsty? I think that's a good word. I'm not just okay with sitting here for the rest of my life. I want to do something more (yay for au pairing for dogs in France!! w00t w00t! Lol).

But I groan at just the thought of those little twerps being at FIU next semester. Ugh.

(Clarice, my little angel, just looked at me and did her strange grunt/whine noise. She clearly agrees. Ah, and there she goes to sit on my foot... Thanks, Clari. :\)

Anyway, it's been months since I posted. That's okay. I also started writing again in my diary, trying to recount all that's happened in the past three years (since somehow three years have passed without my writing a single word).

*shrug* I've never been good at writing on a schedule OR a deadline (yes, perhaps I'm going into the wrong profession, lolololol).

I start work on Monday, and even though I'm apprehensive at all the Spanish-speaking I'll have to do, I'm still excited. It's just exactly the sort of sweet little job that I wanted for the summer. And since Daddy dropped the lovely little gift of possibly living in his house after he moves out (for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, yayyyyy!) with two of my friends (not for free, but that's their problem, lol), my summer's looking way, way up.

And I think I'll go write some. My poor, poor neglected book. Eh. I'm just not angry/depressed/mopey enough to write anything good, so I don't see the point in bothering? I'll just end up hating it since usually my being in a good mood results in writing happy things and happy things... Bueno, make for a very, very boring story.

If I wanted happy, I'd watch Disney Channel.

(Which reminds me, my cable downstairs is being totally lame-o. There's sound. But no picture. Dumb much?)

Thanks for reading.

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