Thursday, June 11, 2009

On early morning musings...

I have found a renewed love for The Nanny. I pretty much try to watch it every day now. Which is just--and let's be honest--sorta lame. But I love it. It's pretty much my favorite sort of story. Woman has bad luck with men, woman finds job with wonderful children, woman falls in love with older employer. Older rich employer. Perfect!

My return from San Francisco has been... Exhausting, in a word. I've been running around pretty much nonstop (catching sleep when I can, getting rather unsatisfying naps here and there). It's my fault, given. I get back Saturday night and I go to Susie's to hang with my girls for a bit after a delayed flight with several shrieking children (and it was so refreshing. I realized how much I love my friends in SF since I couldn't hang with them whenever I wanted...). So, I get back home at about 2:30 A.M., only to have the earring in my tragus fall out. Greaaaaaat. So I have to devise this funny-looking little ghetto temporary save. I wake up WAY too early the next morning to run to Hot Topic to try to buy a replacement. Too bad they don't open until noon.

Then comes brunch with Elise, Megan, Matt, and Elise's family. Very fun, worth the utter lack of sleep. Then I go to home to take a nap. Right? Wrong. I end up having company (WHO INVITED MY COUSINS?!) and having to nap and prepare for my nap that I deeply regretted after. Not only am I $50 poorer, I could have really used the sleep. And Cristy bugged the SHIT out of me that day. Idk what was wrong with you, Cris, but you made me want to fly back to SF.

Work on Monday was tiring, but only because I was running on low amounts of sleep. Then I went with Ginz to see Up, which was really cute. But I got home late and I slept even less for work early on Tuesday. But it was just a mere four hours at work, so no big. I also discovered (the hard way) that it will no longer take me 1 hour and 15 minutes to drive to work in the mornings.

Since it was Tuesday and I only work until one, I went home and NAPPED. A glorious, delicious NAP! I was loony by then. Promise. So then I got all prettied up for the dinner party (lol, and they weren't exaggerating) at Cristy & Susie's. Thanks to Stephen, got all hot from the delicious wine (and somewhat ridiculously giggly, too). Michael met me there and we went to The Coffee Scene in Pines (far. Yes. Not my idea. But pleasant). Then after we finished there we returned to the house and hung with the people there. Did some firsts... And also some definitely-not-firsts, lol. Great night.

Wednesday was long as hell. I ended up filing (AND I'M ALMOST DONE!! JUST "V" LEFT AND PAPERS FOR "TUV"!!!) in the heat for about 4 hours without so much as a breeze because the damn lock was stuck. Had Subway for dinner because there was no way in hell I was going to cook. All I wanted to do was get home, shower, and sleep. And so I did. Then I woke up again and ironed my hair. Then fell asleep at like 4:30. So... I slept three hours for work, sorta. I was the most awake today. I don't understand my body.

Thursday was also good. Work was a total breeze (I even, dare I say it, enjoyed it. Very much so). Got home early, took yet another delicious nap (this one closer to three hours long... Yet not long enough!) and then went to my grandparents' for dinner, money, and food for the girls, lol. CREAM PUFFS! Saw my Leo in crime (Ferny), too. But he didn't have any cream puffs. The non-chocolate ones were better...

And then here I am! It's Friday, I get to sleep in undisturbed without any pressing reason to rise for the first time in... Oh, about three or four weeks. I think since I started working. And my mother won't be home to bother me either. This pleases me. My oil has to be changed (thanks, Abi!) and then at night I think we're playing pool? As I told Cris, "Idk and Idc what we do. I just know I don't want to be in my house."

Saturday: Naty's ballet & (wayyyyyyy later) Stephen's thing.
Sunday: Horseback riding.

I think this week might kill me. I have barely had a moment to rest.

Ah, and I saw The Princess Bride. Which is okay. The guy's super, SUPER hot. And I guess the whole "As you wish" thing is cute.... Except I don't know how "As you wish" could mean "I love you." Honestly, he just sounds irritated to have to do all these things for her. Just saying. "Inconceivable!" <--lol

To those there with me tonight: Lol @ the whole BK thing. I just remembered it now and wow.... Total blonde moment for me (where's Elise when you need her?! Oh, that's right... IN GREECE, LUCKY HOE!)

Oh. Home Improvement just came on and it's sort of awkward because Tim & whoever plays his wife are like necking and.... Yech. Old people kissing... So gross.

I'm still lost to my own horrible musings. And while I doubt none other than a select few will know (shut UP, Cristy!), I'll read back at this and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.....

Or not.

But I think that I will. I tend to laugh at things in general. Like that whole incident with pan caliente. It's a mixture between cringes and laughter. Mostly cringes. But definitely a lot of hearty laughter. (And always a cry of "I plead temporary insanity!")

Thanks for reading.

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