Sunday, June 14, 2009

On why my friends rule

You know you have the best friends in the world when you can sit on a couch with them for hours on end (sober as fuhhh) and still have the time of your life. Or when you're the only all-girl group at Bird Bowl playing pool in a testosterone (because CERTAIN males who were SUPPOSED to go decided they would rather sit and play... um. Ok, I forgot. But I'm sending dirty looks at YOU, Stephen!). Getting home at 5:30 in the morning after a night of simple love & laughter? Priceless.

So last night was semi-torturous. The first part, anyway. I trekked all the way up to Davie (I made that trip twice this weekend, btw) for my cousin's ballet recital. Which, actually, as far as recitals go, was rather painless. Or would have been. If not for the three horrific hours that I had to sit in a chair watching performance after performance after performance all for the five minutes that Naty was on stage. So then there was this drama (I won't bore you with the gross details) with her father & mother & etc., so dinner was... Late. And I managed to somehow not eat anything except a 4 oz. yogurt & string cheese all day. Not intelligent. Yes, I got that. But between one thing and another, I wasn't much hungry and then didn't have the chance to eat. So, killer headache and... Well, I may have almost fainted, but I don't think I let on to anyone.

Fast forward a few hours and I needed to get away from two mildly irritating 13-year-old girls (not because they themselves are irritating people... It's the age. How could anyone want to be around 13-year-old girls?), my tia's husband (who's a major pesado), and into my bed. Blah blah blah, my hormones make me C-R-A-Z-Y, fed my dad's dog, cried over his gift, yada yada, my grandpa drinks too much....

Arrived at Cristy's. :)

I <3>=0.

Add to that Cristy's little trip to my house tonight (Nat + Cris + camera = narcissism at its very best), and I've had a decent weekend. All things considered, yeah? Not too bad.

And as I sit here, waiting for my 150+ SF pictures to load, I smile. Because I'm happy. And I love my life. And I'm glad that I'm me and am optimistic about the world and about life.

...I'll look back in twenty years and say, "What an idealistic nincompoop."

It does happen.... L0L.

Thanks for reading.

"I let go."


  1. Yeah, you and Cris should never be alone with a camera...

  2. i know, you can't handle that much pretty, michael.
