Monday, December 14, 2009

On wanting to remove my throat...

Bah. Ever since I was little, I've always had throat things. I used to get strep throat constantly (it's been a few years since that, thank goodness) and the days I'd stay home from school would be due to throat discomfort. Oh, how close and I those long swabs were. How very well I knew how to read a strep throat test (which, funnily enough, quite reminds me of a pregnancy test).

And so, here I am. On the eve of my second day of my return to work and a little doped up on percocet, wishing I could lose feeling already. Or at least knock back out again. (And I kind of feel like I'm about to faint? I think. I don't know... It's an interesting feeling.)

Jingle Ball was the S-H-I-T!!!!!! SO awesome. Oh my gosh, lol. And what's completely ridic is how ecstatic Cris and I were. Jumping around, squealing, taking pictures... I swear we were having more fun than the front row (and CERTAINLY for a much cheaper price!!! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!). Then, of course--because no night would be complete otherwise--I went home and "discussed" with my mother (aka, argued) about my going out.

The night previously was also quite enjoyable. Thanks to Stephen for hosting, and to Mr. Vodka for supplying the fun. I spent the night at Cristy's (well, really, the morning, since we got there at 5), nursing my slight hangover. I checked off yet another thing of my "College Experiences" list.

Crap, my throat's on fire suddenly. -_-'

Allen and I are currently in a poke war--one that I WILL win, if only out of sheer obstinacy. So far, I'm totally winning. I poke back quicker. Yeah, I said it.

Work was eh today. I guess a job's a job. But I'm already bored and it's only day one. I plan on working through the semester, too. Thankfully, it's just twice a week. Probably like from 10-3:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Then I can drag my not-so-happy ass up to BBC campus for my classes. (Actually, it may work out better this way because I'll be, in fact, closer to the expressway. I work right off of the I-95 ramp on US-1. Hopefully I can just take the handy-dandy Express Lane!)

Ah, I rediscovered my road rage today. I was fine on the way to work--it was actually surprisingly smooth. Got there in like 25 minutes (record!). But on the way back? HA. I kept getting cut off (but Lexuses--Lexii?) and it was pissing me OFF. I was tailgating them the whole time. 'Cause hey, if you can cut me off and keep pace with me, fine. But to make me brake so that I can match your THIRTY MPH SPEED?!?!?! Oh, I almost cut a bitch. Oh, and then there was this stupid friggin' jeep that like... Idk, couldn't wait FIVE SECONDS for me to pass (there was no one behind me!) and I swear I almost rammed into them just to show them not to be such ASSES. Ugh. I swear. This raises my blood pressure...

The roses at the top are from Allen. He brought them to me on Sunday. :) They smell amazing.

Thanks for readingggggggg.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

On music...

Lately, a few songs have been catching my attention.

A few of them?
  • Then - Brad Paisley
  • Bad Romance - Lady GaGa
  • Ecstasy - ATB
  • Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood
  • I Want You To Want Me - Cheap Trick (this one comes back into my good graces frequently)
  • Need You Now - Lady Antebellum (who, I've recently discovered, are AWESOME)
I'll leave it there. But I'm a little obsessed. Because every time that one of those songs (amongst others) comes on the radio, I get a little cooky.

Elise is home, :-D. She's currently sleeping upstairs in my bed, lol. I took a nap earlier, and I've always stayed up later than her anyway.

Oh, also, a roach just made its way past me. And, because I'm ridiculous, I was completely unable to do anything except watch it, wishing the Killing-Roach Fairy would swoop down and do away with that one and all others.

Fuckin' roaches.

Finals week is over, yay!!! (And at this point, I feel it necessary to say: HA HA, MICHAEL! I'M DONE AND YOU'RE NOT, HA HA!!!) Here's hoping I did well. Sadly, I don't feel as relieved as I thought. Maybe because I have to go to work next week and I really don't want to. I wanted so badly to sleeeeeeeeeeeep over the break! Enjoy my time before getting my not-so-happy ass dragged to Peru. Bah. Whatevs.

Today I went with Mai and Cris to the Y100 studios in Miramar to pick up our Jingle Ball tickets!!!!!!!!!!! [insert that weird shrieking thing I've been doing for the past week. Strange, I'm way super excited about this. Here's hoping it doesn't suck.]

(I keep glancing around, hoping the mother fucking roach doesn't pop out at me from wherever. There's this little piece of dark paper on the floor and I keep losing track of it and thinking it's the roach. DIE, YOU CREEPY LITTLE FUCKER!!! DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!)

Oh, I got Kelly Clarkson's latest album and I think I like it! Ay, si, I've been bored of the music on my iPod... Speaking of, gotta buy another charger... Since the one we bought online doesn't seem to want to charge my iPod. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

My plans for this weekend shall be fun. It began tonight, with seeing my best friend who sucks and goes to FSU. That was nice. Again, I'm happy about my new music. Tomorrow, I'm having lunch with Natalie Diaz, whom I loveeeeeee. Then, at night: LET'S GET CRUNKKKKK!


Lol. Saturday's Jingle Ball. Which is gonna be so fantastic! And then, Idk, I might go home after. I might need to sleep. I want to sleep for like 12 hours.

And Sunday, Allen and I shall hunt down some place to watch Dexter. :-D

Ok. Enough rambling. I really only wrote something to write something because I've been neglecting my poor blog as of late.

Thanks for reading, Michael. Since you're, like, the only one who does, lol.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

On a delicious dream...

So. I discovered my dream house last night.

I dream every now and then. I don't usually like it though. Usually, the dream involves me being anxious or something like that. Or being short on time. Or being followed. Etc.

But last night...

So, I think I know where this stems from. Early yesterday, a flyer arrived at my house about this house being sold in Snapper Creek. I'd remembered that my mom had considered buying another house about a year and a half after we moved here. It was a beautiful lakefront property with a white picket fence and everything.

Anyway. My dream.

The house was still in Snapper Creek. But three stories (and a half, sort of. There was a semi-loft). It was kind of Victorian looking. But a more modern Victorian. The house was all different sorts of levels, and the hallways were tight and cramped, and dark. It was a little topsy turvy and a little chaotic.

The master bedroom had two lofts. One led to a little bed in a sort of nook-like place. The other was a short spiral staircase that led to a library.

Love. This was love.

This is what I want.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

On being a sister of the best organization ever...

Yesterday I was initiated into Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. I can honestly say that it was one of the best feelings in the world, to be there with my sisters (and even Susan Danko! Who is a totally awesome PIP and just... Awesome, lol). I can't wait to have my badge, but getting my jersey was enough for now. Those letters... Ah. I've got it hanging in my close, and I keep looking at it and smiling. I can't wait to wear it to school tomorrow.

There were a few things I discovered about AOII (obviously). If I loved it before, I'm obsessed now. I look forward to so many more laughs and dinners and Ritual again (they weren't kidding, it does take a few times, lol).

So I've gotta buy a silver chain for my lavalier. But when this will happen is looking grim. November kind of sucks, lol. In a good way. Like, I'm going to love November. But it's going to be exhausting.

This upcoming week is Homecoming Week. I'm looking forward to the comedian tomorrow. I have to get tickets for that, I think... Hmmm. Then I've got a huge astronomy test Tuesday (I'm currently putting off studying by catching up on Grey's Anatomy. After that, however, I think I might actually have to study... Bummer. I really should get my ass to the library, or else I won't do anything), and then it's Lip Sync later that night. Mom's in surgery Wednesday, so so much for my day off!!

Yada yada, the rest of the week will go on by. Friday I'm going to Round Up!!! :) For the first time evarrrrrrr with my sisters. First time period. Saturday's the game then... And I think that's when we do the float, too...

I'm so lame, I'm excited about being added to the initiated sisters' server, lol.

I'm sad the Greek season is over. I think it starts up again in March. Which is good, because it just got juicy with Cappie and Casey and whatnot.

Grey's also got amazingly much better! SO SHOCKED!! This merger was the best thing that could have happened to the show. 'Cause, no lie, it was getting pretty boring.

Other shows blowing my mind? Dexter, Glee, and White Collar. Apparently Vampire Diaries kicks some ass too, but I'm just not interested. Maybe after November, lol.

I like Chili's bottomless refills thing. :) Diet Coke for lifeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

On school, its stresses, the harvest, and polygamy...


Aqui estoy. Apparently I haven't written in forever and it made Deya cranky. (Look! Personal shout out!)

I'm watching Big Love right now, sipping a diet coke. I probably should be writing that durn paper. But I just don't want to. It's not due until Friday at midnight. And I've already got a draft. So no big, right? Righttttttttt.

I've been hooked on Farmville. Lame. I know. What's next? I mean, really. What, I'll make my dogs a facebook?

Ah... Pero wait.... lol.

But yeah. I've got raspberries, squashes, artichokes, cotton, rice, pumpkins, soybeans.... Got a few cows, some chickens, elephants, a goat and a sheep. Oh, and a horse. :) I'll get bored in a few days, lol. I feel the boredom already.

This Saturday's a service mixer for AOII and Alpha Phi Alpha (I think?), and I'm supposed to be in charge of food. But I don't know where to get this food from? Lol. Oh, silly little me.

And whilst near this subject (that is, Alpha Omicron Pi--aka, the best sorority evarrrrrr), has this cute little idea for themes for our new member meetings.

Which of course stress me out. Because it's me and nothing can be simple. And I like to be a perfectionist. I could just throw on a shirt with Mickey on it or something. But no. I actually have to get a costume, lol. Ay. Natali. So crazyyyyy.

I had coffee with my Panda Pal today. :) It was great. I love her. She's adorable. :) Pero you know, being awake at 9 am is way too damn early, lol.

I wish there were like these little villages you could live in for like a week or something and experience life in different periods of history--the Renaissance (actually, I don't care to go there. But it's an example), Regency England, Colonial America, Ancient Rome, etc. And I know there are some places like that. But I want more. And cheaper, lol.

I'd like to live in a polygamist compound for a week, as one of the sister-wives. Just to see what it's like. I think it's great in concept--like communism. However, human nature just doesn't work that way. Once put into practice, it collapses.

SO, here's my proposition. Revert back to old styles of living! We should have compounds of different families. A bunch of little houses arranged around a central square. Yes. And everyone has their own role within the family. Fantastic. Me gusta. Like a little pueblo.

Hmm. Almost 2 am. My strawberries should be ready.


Thanks for reading,

Sunday, September 6, 2009

On pathetic pets...

So, I have two dogs (as any of you who will read this will know), Papito & Clarice.

Papito doesn't play fetch. He doesn't really do much of anything, really. The only thing that excites him is food and walks.

Clarice plays fetch. Clarice never chills out. She likes food and walks, too--and jumping and running and sitting on my stomach and hogging the attention and being a brat and being obese and eating and being with me CONSTANTLY and etc.

So at first, one would think that Papito has absolutely no personality. Not true! And my friends always have their favorite (usually Papito), even though Clarice gets more attention (because she's an attention whore).

But moving on. I took them for a walk and decided to play fetch with Clarice. This would serve several purposes:
  1. One of the two things that gets Papo excited is a walk. (The other is wet dog food.) Otherwise, he's comatose.
  2. Clarice is obese. (Ha ha, if she were in school, the mean kids would call her "Obese Clarice!") She needs exercise.
  3. I get to live out one of those stupid "American" moments--playing fetch with my dogs in the park. (What's funny is that my dog is six or seven inches at the shoulder and looks nothing like a golden retriever.)
  4. It will tire Clarice out so she isn't so rambunctious and bugs me less.
  5. It would save me from homework for awhile.
Fiddle-dee-dee, right? ("Gone with the Wind" allusion.)

Hmm. They last five minutes outside before they were panting, refused to (in Clarice's case) play more fetch, and basically sat their rumps on the ground and my mom and I had to carry them back.

What's more?

Now, after the event, they're both super hyper. Fack.

First two weeks of school have flown by. I like this. Let's just keep up the pace now.

Recruitment week just ended! :-D I'm now a proud new member of AOII!!! Can't wait for all that's ahead.

Unfortunately, until then, I've got homework. >.<

...Right after I watch "Greek."


Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On stubborn donkeys...

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a
well. The animal cried piteously for hours as
the farmer tried to figure out what to do.


Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the
well needed to be covered up anyway;

it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and
help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began
to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the
donkey realized what was happening and cried
horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he
quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally
looked down the well. He was astonished at what
he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his
back, the donkey was doing something amazing.
He would shake it off and take a step up

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel
dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it
off and take a step up.

Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey
stepped up over the edge of the well and
happily trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds
of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well
is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of
our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out
of the deepest wells just by not stopping,
never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up..

Sunday, July 19, 2009

On breaking my hand, and not remembering how...

I got home about twenty minutes ago.

I walked in through the door with a smile on my face. Why? Was I drunk? Nope, not anymore. It'd worn off about an hour before.

[In the middle of my sentence, I realized I had ants floating around in my cup... After disposing of them, I continue.]

Was I high? Nope, haven't smoked a damn thing in awhile. Au naturale par moi.

...Am I happy?

Beyond. I've had an amazing night with some amazing people (though missing a couple VERY important ones! Elise & Stephen, for example) & I've got a slightly amazing headache... Lol. But mostly, it's just a dull ache now. The Ibuprofen will soon set in and take care of that for me.

I remember getting to Mai's with three passengers (two of whom will remain anonymous) and some ice and cookies and Chef Boy Ardee. Then Michael showed up with that limoncello shit--which, btw, goes down oh so smooth...

Next thing I know, we're floating around the pool, half-tipsy (or, in Cristy's case, full-on drunk) and having a good time.

Somewhere between my last beer and a giant gulp of the Smirnoff Tuscan Lemon (for which I had to fight a certain person who shall not be named due to the nature of his or her situation), I got a little fuzzy. And really, really hurt my hand. Only Allen & Cristy seemed to care, but it was nice of them. :) Don't really remember what happened, though... Wish I could...

Oh! And Susie!!! She brought me cookies! And they tasted so good, it was so sweet of her! I still have some left, and I sure will enjoy those!!

I just... Love my friends. Not a single thing went wrong tonight (though I know perhaps some people would disagree due to the arrival of certain personas, but we shall continue on!) and it was PERFECT to end the night by blasting "A Puro Dolor" by Son by Four.

I just... Idk. I love the world right now. And, as I told Mai (after being accused of being "sassy!"): "I felt good tonight. So, I let the world know it."

So... to those who were those (and a few who weren't), I love you. I had a WONDERFUL time. And I hope the birthday girls did, too.

[I now vaguely remember singing happy birthday to the birthday girls... And the ice cream cake melting... And floating around the pool on my own, lol. It'll come back slowly...]

I love you all.

Thanks for reading.

PS: My hair looks crazy. It was earned. For that reason, I post up a picture. This is after a bout in the pool, lolling around half-asleep, and driving with the windows down. This hair, to me, symbolizes: friendship.

Friday, July 3, 2009

On getting four large-ish pieces of enamel removed from my oral cavity...

It's currently 8 pm and I've been missing four teeth that have been with me... oh, for at least two and a half years or so... for about 8 hours now? Life is good so far. Hasn't hurt me much. But then, I've also been popping three Ibuprofen every four hours, lol.

I actually wouldn't complain at ALL if I could only finish clotting and remove that damn piece of gauze from either side of my mouth. It's irritating me. But as of yet, I show no signs of clotting in the near-future. And yes, it's slowed down. But... *sigh*

[And poor Cris got such a rude sight when we arrived back from the dentist's office... Sorry, Cris. But it was a pretty funny reaction, lol.]

My mom's watching some movie with Goldie Hawn in it (my "info" tells me that it's "Best Friends") and I really have never found her attractive. I actually think she's really cheap and trashy.

There's this man at my office who comes in about 3 x's a week for physical therapy (I can't, of course, say his name due to HIPAA. But he's really cute) who's an absolute sweetheart and always a joy to see. And he always wears this abuelo cologne and it's just so damn cute.... I kinda wanna stick him in my pocket so he can come home with me and play dominoes with the other viejos on the block.

Also, I'm getting sort of tired of hearing about MJ. I mean, I totally get that he was a great icon and an amazing artist... Totally. But really? Is this going to be Princess Di part 2? Are they EVER gonna shut up??

CLOT, DAMN IT!!!!!! CLOT!!!!!!!!!!

I believe that Cristy, Joey, Susie, Deya, & Mai are coming over tonight to:
  1. Mock me.
  2. Bring me gauze for the wound THAT WILL NOT CLOT!!!!
  3. Bring me ice cream.
  4. Entertain me since I am, of course, a horrible patient and dying of boredom. Even though I usually like spending a day at home doing nothing.
This will be fun, I am sure. I may have to kick them out early in order to sleep, but otherwise I shall be fine, I think. I'm actually feeling pretty spritely.

There's a very interesting scene going on outside my house right now. The sun's set and there's an odd yellow-ish color (which I'm going to assume is a result of the clouds, rain, and in-limbo time between sunset and dark). It's a really pretty color though. Soothing.

I'm on the phone with my grandparents now. I love them. They're so sweet--even if 97% of the time they drive me up a FUCKING WALL! They cleaned the house, made me pure de platano, and chicken soup. I love them today.

So. Mai's here and the rest are on their way.



Saturday, June 20, 2009

On feeling like I'm in 2nd grade again...

Lesson I learned today: Seeing certain people three times in a week is WAY too much. Another lesson: Yeah, some expensive restaurants might be nice, but... There's a lot to be said for La Nueva Argentina. Screw the $34 filet mignon.

I went on a little drive today. Mainly because I had nothing better to do. But also because I find it very therapeutic. But you know, did the usual. Hopped onto the Palmetto, got up to Pines (again. I keep going up there!), turned back around (because I had to be within reasonable distance of my mom because she's ill) and got to the 836 to go downtown so I could ogle the beautiful skyline. Drove past my job at night (and it's so rich that the drive that usually takes me 40-50 minutes only took me 20) to find that little club hoppin' at 2:30 in the morning.

So, headed back home (because my iPod was about to die) and decided I would stop by my old elementary school (St. Paul Lutheran). The driveway isn't locked, so it was no big.

It was beyond creepy. I was turned back about 9 years. It was really, really bizarre and frightening and upsetting and just... Bah. Like ugh. I don't really understand why, but it was shocking to me. I hadn't gone in there since that one time in 7th grade when I visited. There's no one left for me there now. My class has long since graduated and who knows if my old teachers are even still alive. But I should go back one of these days. It's strange to see how things change. It's even almost scary in hindsight? Like, I just know I'll go back to FCS like two decades from now and break down into tears because it won't be what I remembered. Hell, it isn't that already.

Cops were out in full force today. Saw about 5 or 6. Yuck. AND I almost did something illegal with one right behind me. SUPER happy I didn't because I didn't even know he was there. Bugger.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have lunch with my Abuelo, Abuela, & mom and then go see Robert. Of all the days of the week, this will be the most painful. Doubtless. Hmm. But no, perhaps that shall be Sunday. fml?

Ah, speaking of, my fifteen year old cousin was asked if he wanted wine with dinner. When my grandfather asked that I be served some, the waiter said, "She isn't of age." Fuck you, Mr. Waiter. Fuck. You.

Thanks for reading.... I guess.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

On why my friends rule

You know you have the best friends in the world when you can sit on a couch with them for hours on end (sober as fuhhh) and still have the time of your life. Or when you're the only all-girl group at Bird Bowl playing pool in a testosterone (because CERTAIN males who were SUPPOSED to go decided they would rather sit and play... um. Ok, I forgot. But I'm sending dirty looks at YOU, Stephen!). Getting home at 5:30 in the morning after a night of simple love & laughter? Priceless.

So last night was semi-torturous. The first part, anyway. I trekked all the way up to Davie (I made that trip twice this weekend, btw) for my cousin's ballet recital. Which, actually, as far as recitals go, was rather painless. Or would have been. If not for the three horrific hours that I had to sit in a chair watching performance after performance after performance all for the five minutes that Naty was on stage. So then there was this drama (I won't bore you with the gross details) with her father & mother & etc., so dinner was... Late. And I managed to somehow not eat anything except a 4 oz. yogurt & string cheese all day. Not intelligent. Yes, I got that. But between one thing and another, I wasn't much hungry and then didn't have the chance to eat. So, killer headache and... Well, I may have almost fainted, but I don't think I let on to anyone.

Fast forward a few hours and I needed to get away from two mildly irritating 13-year-old girls (not because they themselves are irritating people... It's the age. How could anyone want to be around 13-year-old girls?), my tia's husband (who's a major pesado), and into my bed. Blah blah blah, my hormones make me C-R-A-Z-Y, fed my dad's dog, cried over his gift, yada yada, my grandpa drinks too much....

Arrived at Cristy's. :)

I <3>=0.

Add to that Cristy's little trip to my house tonight (Nat + Cris + camera = narcissism at its very best), and I've had a decent weekend. All things considered, yeah? Not too bad.

And as I sit here, waiting for my 150+ SF pictures to load, I smile. Because I'm happy. And I love my life. And I'm glad that I'm me and am optimistic about the world and about life.

...I'll look back in twenty years and say, "What an idealistic nincompoop."

It does happen.... L0L.

Thanks for reading.

"I let go."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

On early morning musings...

I have found a renewed love for The Nanny. I pretty much try to watch it every day now. Which is just--and let's be honest--sorta lame. But I love it. It's pretty much my favorite sort of story. Woman has bad luck with men, woman finds job with wonderful children, woman falls in love with older employer. Older rich employer. Perfect!

My return from San Francisco has been... Exhausting, in a word. I've been running around pretty much nonstop (catching sleep when I can, getting rather unsatisfying naps here and there). It's my fault, given. I get back Saturday night and I go to Susie's to hang with my girls for a bit after a delayed flight with several shrieking children (and it was so refreshing. I realized how much I love my friends in SF since I couldn't hang with them whenever I wanted...). So, I get back home at about 2:30 A.M., only to have the earring in my tragus fall out. Greaaaaaat. So I have to devise this funny-looking little ghetto temporary save. I wake up WAY too early the next morning to run to Hot Topic to try to buy a replacement. Too bad they don't open until noon.

Then comes brunch with Elise, Megan, Matt, and Elise's family. Very fun, worth the utter lack of sleep. Then I go to home to take a nap. Right? Wrong. I end up having company (WHO INVITED MY COUSINS?!) and having to nap and prepare for my nap that I deeply regretted after. Not only am I $50 poorer, I could have really used the sleep. And Cristy bugged the SHIT out of me that day. Idk what was wrong with you, Cris, but you made me want to fly back to SF.

Work on Monday was tiring, but only because I was running on low amounts of sleep. Then I went with Ginz to see Up, which was really cute. But I got home late and I slept even less for work early on Tuesday. But it was just a mere four hours at work, so no big. I also discovered (the hard way) that it will no longer take me 1 hour and 15 minutes to drive to work in the mornings.

Since it was Tuesday and I only work until one, I went home and NAPPED. A glorious, delicious NAP! I was loony by then. Promise. So then I got all prettied up for the dinner party (lol, and they weren't exaggerating) at Cristy & Susie's. Thanks to Stephen, got all hot from the delicious wine (and somewhat ridiculously giggly, too). Michael met me there and we went to The Coffee Scene in Pines (far. Yes. Not my idea. But pleasant). Then after we finished there we returned to the house and hung with the people there. Did some firsts... And also some definitely-not-firsts, lol. Great night.

Wednesday was long as hell. I ended up filing (AND I'M ALMOST DONE!! JUST "V" LEFT AND PAPERS FOR "TUV"!!!) in the heat for about 4 hours without so much as a breeze because the damn lock was stuck. Had Subway for dinner because there was no way in hell I was going to cook. All I wanted to do was get home, shower, and sleep. And so I did. Then I woke up again and ironed my hair. Then fell asleep at like 4:30. So... I slept three hours for work, sorta. I was the most awake today. I don't understand my body.

Thursday was also good. Work was a total breeze (I even, dare I say it, enjoyed it. Very much so). Got home early, took yet another delicious nap (this one closer to three hours long... Yet not long enough!) and then went to my grandparents' for dinner, money, and food for the girls, lol. CREAM PUFFS! Saw my Leo in crime (Ferny), too. But he didn't have any cream puffs. The non-chocolate ones were better...

And then here I am! It's Friday, I get to sleep in undisturbed without any pressing reason to rise for the first time in... Oh, about three or four weeks. I think since I started working. And my mother won't be home to bother me either. This pleases me. My oil has to be changed (thanks, Abi!) and then at night I think we're playing pool? As I told Cris, "Idk and Idc what we do. I just know I don't want to be in my house."

Saturday: Naty's ballet & (wayyyyyyy later) Stephen's thing.
Sunday: Horseback riding.

I think this week might kill me. I have barely had a moment to rest.

Ah, and I saw The Princess Bride. Which is okay. The guy's super, SUPER hot. And I guess the whole "As you wish" thing is cute.... Except I don't know how "As you wish" could mean "I love you." Honestly, he just sounds irritated to have to do all these things for her. Just saying. "Inconceivable!" <--lol

To those there with me tonight: Lol @ the whole BK thing. I just remembered it now and wow.... Total blonde moment for me (where's Elise when you need her?! Oh, that's right... IN GREECE, LUCKY HOE!)

Oh. Home Improvement just came on and it's sort of awkward because Tim & whoever plays his wife are like necking and.... Yech. Old people kissing... So gross.

I'm still lost to my own horrible musings. And while I doubt none other than a select few will know (shut UP, Cristy!), I'll read back at this and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.....

Or not.

But I think that I will. I tend to laugh at things in general. Like that whole incident with pan caliente. It's a mixture between cringes and laughter. Mostly cringes. But definitely a lot of hearty laughter. (And always a cry of "I plead temporary insanity!")

Thanks for reading.

Friday, June 5, 2009

On my last night in SF... And semi good riddance!


So, last night in this pretty, homeless-filled city. Not necessarily sad to see it go (or to watch myself go).

As I knew would happen, I never did end up writing every day. Pfft, I never even went online every day. This is good. I've found that I no longer have that DESPERATE OMG need to be online as much as I can.

So. I'll just mention the highlights.

The Bush Man
There's this man in SF famous for hiding behind a makeshift bush he'd constructed. He then proceeds to jump at the passersby. He jumped out at my mom. But when she didn't jump or scream or anything, he yells after her, "It's obvious you've been in a bush with a black man before!"

Yes, this was awesome. Great laugh. We saw him again tonight. But he didn't get us, lol.

Our Bad Luck with Buses
We seem to have a thing for getting on the wrong buses. Our first experience with this? We got on the F train going in the WAY WAY WAY opposite direction and ended up in... Well, not a horrible part of town, but definitely less-than-savory. Also lost an hour in the process because we didn't realize we'd headed the wrong way until the end of the line. Oops. However, out of this lovely experience, I got to sit next to a homeless man who had a lovely habit of talking to himself.

Our bad luck #2 came Monday. We boarded one of those hop-on, hop-off tourist double decker buses. Mmm hmmm. Yeah. Too bad we spent the whole day on the entirely wrong company. Yeah. Not just the wrong line. The wrong companys. Oops. At least we got a free day's ride, lol.

How I discovered what homeless people smell like
Yeah. Not pretty. A couple of them walked into a Subway and asked for forks. They sorta smelled like horse dung. It's sad because SF has it in its budget to put them all up in a hostile-like thing. But they don't like to be confined. As one social worker once put it, "You have the right to be crazy."

Foot massage, stranger?
Some random lady on the tour to Sonoma and Muir Woods saw my mom's foot wrapped (she sprained it somehow) and told her to take off her shoe. She then proceeded to massage my mother's foot. I don't freaking touch my mother's feet. But the stranger will? She was quite strange, that woman... And not wearing a bra...

The Roach
I almost ate a roach. Not really, of course. But today in Chinatown I bought a red bean custard no se que with que se yo in it. It looked good, at any rate.

Yeah. It wasn't.

It was going ok for the first couple bites. Then I realized there were hard things in it. So I start to take them out. Then I remove something that's in the shape of a roach. I mean, I knew it wasn't really a roach. But I was so traumatized that I threw out the pastry.

Cardboard Clothes
I walked into a shop in Chinatown and found that all the merchandise was made out of cardboard. Cardboard suits, cardboard dresses, cardboard jewelry, cardboard laptops, cardboard desktops, cardboard lingerie, cardboard shoes, etc etc. Mmm hmm. So... I'm thinking... "Perhaps it's for kids to play with?"

Yeah. No. Not so much.

The Chinese use these such objects to bury with their dead. As things that they'd enjoy in the afterlife.

Cool, no?

The Sea Lions!
So. The famous sea lions at Pier 39? Totally worth it. I loved them. Cute. Feisty. Wet. Kinda smelly and obnoxious.

They's my kind of creature. :)

Note: The sea gulls here are obese and on steroids. And somewhat frightening.

I met up with Amie. :) And her fiance David. Super sweeeeeeet. :) I'm just sad it was so short. :(

I'm looking forward to the wedding!!!

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

On California's Prop 8

I think it's disgusting that they were told they could marry and then had that revoked.

Unfair. Completely. If you say something, then go through with it.


On my traitorous little heart (actually, not really)

Hello. What? A post the day after another? CRAZY! I know. But I'm trying to write down some things I've done in San Francisco (since I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't really like to talk about her trips after she's done with them). Not to worry though, I never actually finish documenting a trip. I have a "travel journal" that I write in for like four days and never finish. It's hilarious, really. And a shame, because I'm sure I'll read them one day and love it and relive those lovely trips all over again.

So. Woke up too early today. 7 something. Because my mother almost keeled over in the shower. (Moral of the story: Don't have 14 take offs and landings in a 2 week span or your internal ear equilibrium or whatever will be seriously messed up.)

Made some croissants in the room (yes, we lugged our little oven all the way here. It's just really damn convenient! And I think wasting money on breakfast is ridiculous. Especially when all you really need is a little toast and cream cheese). Got dressed eventually. Headed out (at about 9:30-ish? I ate shit on the computer for a long time lol).

Btw, totally cold in San Francisco. TOTALLY. Wore a jacket all day. And my cheeks are wind-burned, the way they always are in the cold. Very uncomfortable feeling. I don't know how it's possible my skin is so damn sensitive.

Walked MILES (ok, a few blocks. About fifteen? I don't know. And too lazy to figure it out) to Fisherman's Wharf for the farmer's market. Which was really, really cute. And Cali fruit is so beautiful! And tastes good! And I had lavender salt (yum) and smelled fresh lavender (more yum--favorite smell ever) and had a delicious Burmese no-se-que curry sausage with absolutely divine mango cilantri chutney ($5.50). Then my mom went crazy (we'll blame it on the steroids) and I got cranky and we went back to the hotel to drop stuff off. Btw, super weirdos in SF. And lots of homeless people. And people running. And dogs. Everywhere. Like, people walking their dogs. Everywhere. On the bus. In buildings. In restaurants... Freaks. All of them. Again, to reiterate: FREAKS in SF and beautiful produce.

[Got super irritated within five minutes of our walk, too, because it was misting. So, not enough to take out the umbrella, and I'd look weird if I did. Damn.]

Then we walked (more. I know. Wtf.) to Beach & ... &... Damn, forgot the name of the street. Powell? No, that's before. Hyde? Maybe? Whatever. Waited in line for the motherfucking street car for AN HOUR AND A HALF in the freaking cold while some guy played the guitar (super badly, what's even worse) and begged for money. I wanted to throw a rock at him. He really sucked. Seriously. I've seen fifth graders play better. But moving on. The wait was totally worth it. Went up and down several hills (puts Tally into some perspective, lol) and freaked out a bit on the steep downhill slope. Idk. I just... Wasn't into that angle much. The fact that other streetcars were passing within five inches (not kidding) didn't help much. Ended up at Union Square (the shopping district) that has A HUGE FOREVER XXI I DIDN'T GO INTO!!!! But it was cold. And we were getting hungry. So. Hopped onto the F train--in the wrong direction. Got to the end, then had to go back in the way we came, lol. I sat to some guy who was talking to himself. People smell funny in SF. Eventually made it back to the hotel area (Mason & North Point, right off Fisherman's Wharf) and went in search of food (5:30 pm by now. Yes, we eat abnormally early on vacation. I know it's weird).

Now, I wanted to eat at this pizza place called the Pizza Zone or whatever (we're traveling cheap, fyi). My mom took one step in there and got "disgusted" and demanded we walk another three blocks to this Mexican place (my feet hurt by now and I just wanted to eat and get to the hotel). The Pizza Zone looked great--it was full of locals, it was relatively cheap, it was run by Chinos. It's very Jerry & Joe's-like. But a little bit more scattered, lol. So onward we trek to the Las Margaritas. Not only is the place completely EMPTY (y eso que it's near the tourist strip), the cheapest entree's $14. So we go back to the Pizza Zone. And GUESS WHAT? Delicious. Not like Jerry & Joe's, of course. But still super good. And cheap! ($9.80)

Went to Safeway again to buy my mom coffee and to get more Diet Coke (addicted. I know). Oh, I tried this Hibiscus tea today that was really yummy.

On our way into Safeway, we pass by this guy who's super happy and waving to Idk who across the street and I take a breath and... Wtf? Pot? So I go to my mom, "That smells like pot." "Yep, it sure does," she replies. I know pot when I smell it. On the street! Just smoking a joint! It was super funny. No wonder he's in such a good mood?

Back to the hotel we went. And now I'm here, in bed, with a blister on my big toe.

And I believe that's all.

Thanks for reading. :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

On why I'm in bed at 4 pm, ready to sleep

Bueno. Aqui estoy, en San Francisco (which I've heard called San Fran, Frisco, Gay Bay, etc.). I'm exhausted.

Already, I feel like it's been a week.

We'll start with last night, at about eleven p.m. My knee hurt. I just figured I'd been sitting on it weird or something. No big, right?


My lovely friends (who had come over to keep me company and see me off before my trip--and I'll give credit where it's due: Elise, Cris, Mai, Susie, and Deya) and I went to McD's for a late dinner. I get out of Mai's car and... Wtf? My knee's killing me. I limp home. I limp around as I finish my packing (what did I forget, btw? My hair brush. fml. Whatever. No big, I guess. I almost forgot my jeans and THAT would've sucked). I limp into the shower. I limp into my bed. By the time I'm in my bed, I can't straighten it or bend it past a certain angle. It keeps me up for a bit because my usual sleeping position (on my stomach) wasn't comfortable. But it'll be fine by the time I wake up, right?


I wake up at 5:30 a.m. (yep, only about 2 1/2 hours of sleep). I move my leg to see how it is, and it sort twinges, but nothing horrible. I'll warm my leg up and it'll be just a faint memory. Eh, not so much. I go to put my weight on it and have this huge surge of pain in my knee. So... Ok. Got it. No weight on my foot. What? Can't bend it at all? Bueno... This complicates things.

Turns out I couldn't even walk. I sort of hopped on one foot to my mom's (by now, I was near tears because it REALLY hurt) and she wrapped it... Sort of. Using cotton strips and tape. It was... ghetto. Real ghetto. And I KNOW we have the wrap thing somewhere in my house, but because my MOTHER CAN'T REMEMBER WHERE SHE PUTS ANYTHING, we couldn't find it.

But at least that's the worst of it, right?


I'm sitting on my mom's bed as she wraps my knee and start swaying and feeling nauseous. Didn't know why. I figured I just had to eat something or drink water or... idk. Ride it out. So I'm going about my business (and 6:15 a.m. is approaching faster and faster and I'm nowhere near ready) and suddenly things start going black. Very black. I grabbed the corner of my shelf and rested my head. Wobbled with my pathetic limp to my bed. Threw myself on it. My mom says I'd lost all color.

After a five-minute rest, my color had returned. I think I'd gotten up too quickly before. I got up slowly and I felt perfect. Except for my stupid knee.

Fast forward through: getting to the airport with my lame knee, jump the security line because I can't walk, get driven by a golf cart to D49, get on plane. I used a lot of my upper body strength (not that I have much, lol) to hoist myself into and out of chairs and golf carts and such.

Then the flight. I don't remember much about it, truth be told. I was... fuzzy, lol. Took this like SUPER DRAMAMINE pill thing that knocked me right out. I vaguely remember feeling the pull of the plane as we took off. I was in and out for the rest of the trip. Saw the Spaceballs cartoon though, which was hilarious. I didn't even know I had it on my iPod.

So. In San Fran. (Btw, we descended TWICE cuz the pilot didn't like his chances. Which is nerve-wracking. Never had that happen to me before. But this time I was happy off a regular Dramamine and a Zofran, so I was in no mood to argue.)

My mom's high, btw. Off her steroids (for her vertigo). So she's completely not there today. It's super irritating. So I have to drag her to the other end of the airport to catch the BART (subway-like thing). Then we catch the F train or something. Yeah. STUPID. It's a cable car thing that jerks around and me, dragging our huge suitcase and with my ghetto wrap and trying to keep upright while trying NOT to put any unneeded pressure on my knee (which had felt much better by then). And by this point, it's about 3:30 p.m. Miami time and all I've had to eat since I woke up at 5:30 a.m. was three crackers with cheese and half a handful of nuts on the airplane ($4, fyi). I was ready to eat that hobo on the corner.

We ate at the hotel restaurant (after a three block walk to the hotel). My mom and I split a chicken panini with mushrooms. INCREDIBLY good. Crazy good. I inhaled it. Then went to Safeway (which is a cross between Whole Foods and Publix, minus the organic stuff. Note: Cali fruit looks really pretty. Much prettier than Florida fruit. Also, one can smell the flowers as you walk by... Five feet away).

And then here I am. In bed. With my IcyHot and my knee wrap (no ghetto tape) and my Safeway chocolate chip cookies.

That's where I'm at.

This is where I shall stay. At least for the evening. I'm exhausted.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On how I've realized my taste in music has changed...

Yeah. I've gotta go through my files and delete a whole BUNCH of crap. Por que enough's enough. Like... Seriously? What the hell do I have JS on my iPod for? I never realized all the crap I have on my iPod. Y eso que I made a major sweep of it when I lost my music the second time around (for example: I no longer have that stupid R. Kelly song "Step In the Name of Love." Seriously, dude? Stfu. But I do still have the Ignition Remix. And love it. And yes, STILL know all the words, lol. And the dance moves Ginz and I made up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when. And "Snake." That was some good ish. I heard "Country Grammar" on my drive home the other day and yeah. I had a total blast). But I've gotta go back through. And suddenly, what, I like Coldplay? I can even stand some House-y, techno stuff (my father will be so proud)?

[I still hate it when those stupid songs last for 8 minutes and have the SAME freaking beat for hours and hours and hours... They're only good when you're rolling or something. Which I never am. So shut up.]

I think it really occurred to me that my tastes have changed (even in just the past year) when one of those Paul Oakenfold mixes came on my shuffle this morning (as I was fighting traffic on US 1 and around 19th ave). For once, didn't change it. And... liked it? Eerie. I know.

[Compare this to my hip-hop/rap years and... well. It's a change. And funny, I think all current hip-hop/rap SUCKS.]

Work. Yeah, started work already. Loving it? (As much as you can love such a job, lol.) I haven't messed up or anything yet, so things are going well (though I TOTALLY ate it off a chair today, right in front of my two bosses [yeah, ok, so my bosses are my cousin Lania and Carlos, who wears Converse to work and is super chill and laid back. And really, actually, just Lania is my boss. It's just horrible. I'm such a clutz. Oh well. Love me for me, or deal? People seem to be my friends anyway, so I guess it's okay]. It was so not very graceful). Now, if only it weren't so DAMN FAR. Ugh. The ONLY thing I like about the distance is that I get two hours a day (well, the days I work) to listen to music. It really chills me out.

Leaving for San Fran Friday. Blah. And early too, more's the pity. The mornig and I don't mix.

I had a very fun little field trip with Elise today. Which involved visiting that French bakery by my house I wanted to visit for the past six months and the newly opened pool (no, I don't know what they did to change it). Amongst other things... Lol. "Waitress" included.



Life is good.


I'm gonna be super sad when the summer's over, though not too. I'm excited for fall. And... dare I say it... Missing FIU? A tad, yeah. I drove past Friday and it broke my heart a wee little bit.

Though I'll probably get more sleep during fall semester, since I REFUSE to have morning classes.

I miss sleep...

Speaking of....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

On why I'm so glad I'm at FIU

This past week was the last week that the seniors of 2009 had at FCS.

I was looking through the pictures of the people who I still have as friends (I went through back in like October and just weeded people out after I heard people were talking shit about me. Life is just easier that way). And all I see are sad faces and "omg i'm gonna miss this place" and "i'm so sad!" and I just feel like slapping them all upside the head, laughing bitterly in the face, and saying, "No, you really won't. You won't even ever look back. By the way? FCS doesn't teach their students how to really study for a class, and their science department is as weak as your mother's fat ankles, SO if I were you, I'd watch myself that first semester."

I don't, of course. No reason to be a bitch so unnecessarily, especially since I haven't spoken to these people in months. A year. I just sit there and watch. And I know that for some, FCS will shut its doors to them and reject them, and it's okay. The world's sort of better without them anyway. And I love that I can honestly say that I'm happier now and freer and more okay with myself than I've ever been before. Less close-minded. Less hateful. More... thirsty? I think that's a good word. I'm not just okay with sitting here for the rest of my life. I want to do something more (yay for au pairing for dogs in France!! w00t w00t! Lol).

But I groan at just the thought of those little twerps being at FIU next semester. Ugh.

(Clarice, my little angel, just looked at me and did her strange grunt/whine noise. She clearly agrees. Ah, and there she goes to sit on my foot... Thanks, Clari. :\)

Anyway, it's been months since I posted. That's okay. I also started writing again in my diary, trying to recount all that's happened in the past three years (since somehow three years have passed without my writing a single word).

*shrug* I've never been good at writing on a schedule OR a deadline (yes, perhaps I'm going into the wrong profession, lolololol).

I start work on Monday, and even though I'm apprehensive at all the Spanish-speaking I'll have to do, I'm still excited. It's just exactly the sort of sweet little job that I wanted for the summer. And since Daddy dropped the lovely little gift of possibly living in his house after he moves out (for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, yayyyyy!) with two of my friends (not for free, but that's their problem, lol), my summer's looking way, way up.

And I think I'll go write some. My poor, poor neglected book. Eh. I'm just not angry/depressed/mopey enough to write anything good, so I don't see the point in bothering? I'll just end up hating it since usually my being in a good mood results in writing happy things and happy things... Bueno, make for a very, very boring story.

If I wanted happy, I'd watch Disney Channel.

(Which reminds me, my cable downstairs is being totally lame-o. There's sound. But no picture. Dumb much?)

Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 2, 2009

On how awful the world really is...

I love how things can be so bright and sparkly one second, and then the next life just sucks all around.

FANTASTIC day with Renata and my girlies (and gentleman, lol, Nadjib. Oh, and Teo! I didn't forget you, love. Oh, and I saw Brian and David, too... Ok. So... Girlies and... Guysies? Whatever. Now that I think about it, I have more guy friends there than girl friends, lol) at UM. I always have a blast. I don't know why. Like, as if it isn't bad enough I'm at FIU so much, now I'm at someone else's school, too? Whatever.

Mom doesn't have cancer. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

And Khaled Hosseini is a party pooper. A fantastic, orgasmic, kick ass writer. But damn. Way to bring a girl down, K! I mean, seriously. I'd forgotten how abysmal (yet fantabulous) "Kite Runner" was. But "A Thousand Splendid Sun" just has me down in the dumps.

Basically? The story's about two women getting beat up by their old fart of a husband, each having lost their one true love. One her father and the other her childhood sweetheart. Of course, it takes place in Afghanistan. For fuck sake, he might just as well have inserted a special chapter instructing the reader to "please proceed to slice wrists horizontally with a sharp object. Sterility not necessary."

What an awful, joyless life. Awful. Could I even survive? Would I want to? I probably only would if I had children.

Makes one want to tie one's tubes and never form any ties to anyone on this freaking earth. Why? What's the point?

*is going to cry in a corner*

And I have writer's block. Which makes me want to punch a wall in. Or step on baby lizards. Or chew raw tobacco. SOMETHING to express how very irked this makes me.

I'm going to go organize a giant group suicide. Hopefully I'll be cheerier in the morning.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On she who bothers me beyond belief and my obsession with English

Ok. It's been awhile. So let's just jump right into this. First things first:

"You bug me, you push my buttons, you piss me off but boo, you're the best friend a girl could ask for :)"

Three guesses as to who texted that to me night before last. Yes, you've guessed it. Cristy. I love you, too. And yes, I loved your text so much, I actually blogged it. Feel special. Well, you would, if you would freaking read my blog. LIKE THE WAY YOU NEED TO FREAKING READ MY BOOK!

Mmmk. My favorite class this semester is Approaches to Literature with Mr. Peter Hargitai. I love it. We never do what we're supposed to do lol. About as close as we actually get to working is the journal we're supposed to write in everyday till the end of the semester. And, in a very twisted way, I actually enjoy this. This is what I wrote for today:

I am an English major. I love English. I love writing it, speaking it, reading it, proofreading it (yes, I'm that twisted).

But as much as I love English--and I think we can agree that I truly love it--I have some problems with it. (You're about to get some ugly insight into just how nuts I am. You've been forewarned.)

  1. "Preached" should be "praught." If "taught" isn't "teached," then the past tense of the verb preach should follow as such. I stand by this.
  2. I don't like the word "nervousness." I feel it should be "nervosity." In my opinion, "nervousness" is just a lame, awkward word. Wtf, Webster?
  3. I hate that it's grammatically incorrect to begin a sentence with a conjunction (for those who don't know: and, but, or, etc). In fact, I completely disregard this rule. I encourage you to do the same.
  4. I hate that the language itself is so damn unoriginal. We've taken words from just about everyone else except ourselves. Our words have French roots, Latin roots, Greek roots, etc. Bro. Stfu. Get your own damn roots! Useless, unimaginative people! (The inventors of English, that is.)
  5. The fact it's spoken internationally. How damn, what if I want to speak badly about someone in Italy or Spain or Croatia?! I can't! Because they speak English! And Spanish! And French! GAH! Damned, over-achieving Europeans!!!!
And that, dears, is the end of my rant.

Finally, my phone. The LG Vu. I love it. Love.

Thanks for reading.

And, just fyi, I'm freezing my ass off.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

On the fact I actually have a conscience


Ok. Having gone to a private "non-denominational" (real defintion: Baptist) middle- and high school, I know the Bible and its principals better than, I think it's safe to say, most American teenagers.

I think I've also taken it for granted.

I realize this isn't the sort of thing that should be posted on a blog. It's very personal, very private.

I've never really been one for being closed-up about stuff. Which may be a problem. There are only like.... Hmm, two things, that I can think of, that I've never told another soul about me. Everything else has come out eventually.

I almost wish I could blame college, that's it's turned me away from the right path. But it isn't college's fault. I had given up (ok, "given up" isn't the right word. I think perhaps just "set aside" makes a little more sense)--yes, set aside--the whole Christianity thing way back in November. I can't even remember what the chapels of my senior year were about. I remember Spiritual Emphasis Week--liked it. I liked it when that woman in the wheelchair came. But the rest? Pfft. Also, (and I'm sorry, Mr. Valdey, it's nothing personal) I was tired of hearing from the same chaplain since I'd been in seventh grade. Not that college helped any... Back in October, I was starting to think I'd gone a little too crazy. Now I know I'd gone a little too crazy.

But there's no healthy fucking medium!!!!! You're either freaking Virgin Mary incarnate or you're some bad ass.

And I remember that I used to say, "God, I'm sorry that I have no desire to talk to you or to listen to you." But I wasn't sorry. I was having a fucking great time (um.... sans the fucking, lol).

*sigh* I sort of miss high school. You knew what to do in high school. You were either a Good Kid or a Bad Kid. Now everyone's talking shit (ok, maybe just one person) about me behind my back cuz I'm a Bad Kid? The real world isn't so black and white. You knew what to do in high school if you wanted to be a Good Kid--you worshipped in chapel, you prayed, you didn't say bad words, you didn't associate past the bare minimum with the Bad Kids. Hell, they even kept us separate, for the most part. I've basically had the same classmates ever since they split us into honors and regular in 8th grade. But in college? How can you balance it out? People like me more now--and that's the honest truth. I've had it said to my face.

Why can't I find a good place to be? Why's it gotta be one or the other?

Why does the f-word have to be so much friggin' fun to say?

So, for the first real time in a very, very long time: I'm sorry, God. I am.

Friday, January 2, 2009

On why sometimes the simple things in life rock

So. I had an absolute blast with a certain tall chiquita (lol) today. Sort of the thing that makes you realize, "Damn, we need to hang more."

After the events of this afternoon, I'm now in possession of a certain friend's cardigan which I shall be holding hostage until the exchange of a certain purse that she took to my house today. Payment to be received in full, Amanda. ;)

More simple things to love? Reading. Ok, maybe not so simple. It's actually a sort of complicated process that I truly take for granted sometimes. And paper. And ink. I wonder, if I didn't have books, would I be a story teller?? Probably not. What would I do? What would I obsess over? Sometimes I think that the only real thing about me that stands out is my absolute obsession with the written word (and proper grammar. In a somewhat related story, I read a certain conversation today that a certain friend had with a certain guy and found myself giving non-existant points to this fellow based solely on the fact that his words were fluid and graceful and... Well, hot.).

Even more simple? Breathing. I like breathing. I've never been tired or bored of breathing. I don't think I ever shall be. Well, eventually, I guess I will. Hmm. My death. What a somber thing to think about....




I hope I die in an exciting, though preferably not tortured, way. Like, I do NOT want to die by way of a sting ray. [I still mourn Steve Irwin's death, pathetic as it was. God has a true sense of humor.]

Like, I don't know. I guess it'd be pretty exciting to like slip off the roof of a building or something. That's quick. Different. Would that be traumatic for my family?

Eh. Death. I changed my mind, don't want to talk about it.

And so, to end on a lighter note, I was at Dolphin and International today with Renate and we saw Orthodox Jews getting pulled in by one of those vendors in the carts in the middle of the hallways. That may have been the funniest part of today. Perhaps "strangest" is a better word.

Oh. I found today that I need to stop being so angry and bitter. It will make me an old woman much faster than I need to be. I need to learn to forgive a little better, too. And to perhaps not make faces when my parents call me. I know they love me. I just wish they'd lose my number for a little while.

Hopefully I'll find something more substantial to blog about next time? Eh, doesn't matter. No one reads this anyway, lol.